Developing Management Capability . Training and Development . Senior Executives Advisory Services . Business Research . PR and Media Strategy . Growth and expansion plan in China . IP businesses in China . Communications in executives . Executive Coaching . Developing Management Capability . Training and Development . Senior Executives Advisory Services . Business Research . PR and Media Strategy . Growth and expansion plan in China . IP businesses in China . Executive Coaching .

  Understanding Intellectual Capital (Part 1): Concepts and metaphors  
  Understanding Intellectual Capital (Part 2): Working Definition  
  '知識內容'將成為新時代營銷策略關鍵: 新時代的 4P 營銷策略  
  企業可持續發展的三大絕招: 企業管治、企業社會責任、綠色環保  

PASTRUM offers the following service to companies:

  • Senior executive advisory service
  • Management Training and Development
  • Corporate strategy development
  • Capital Market Strategy  

Senior executives round table

PASTRUM brings together a pool of industry experts, business leaders and management scholars to work with you and your senior executives in a candid exchange of the challenges and opportunities that you are facing. Leaders and senior executives in your company will benefit directly this diverse pool of international expertise.

Human capital development
We believe knowledge generation and sharing is at the heart of human capital development in your organization. Facilitated learning will help your employees, and the organization as a whole, can learn smartly and effectively. PASTRUM is here to work with you on the best strategy forward. The development of intellectual capital is only complete when financial / physical capital is working in concept. An integrated and holistic approach is strongly advocated by PASTRUM.
Media and Communication
We believe that any media and communication must be lead by the company strategy, and it extends beyond just reaching out to your customers and getting the right messaged across the audience. PASTRUM approaches it from the perspective corporate growth and long term relationship building with both the present and future stakeholders of your business.

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